data processing aims to divide the total field into components and to cancel
these, caused by geological noise. The interpretation is fulfilled
firstly in 1D variant (in the frame of horizontally-layered model, with
IPI-1D package),
and then in 2D variant (with IE2DL
package). The last step of interpretation is 2D fitting with the model
found from 1D interpretation. This model can be corrected with the help
of different transformations for better seeing
position and form of the deep objects.
The strong influence of NSI may be in towns, in mining regions with the artificial upper layer, in the vicinity of ditches with cables, tubes and so on. The usual NSI distortions' level consists of approximately 8-12%. Canceling of that noise will give the great rise in quality of interpretation. Two different approaches to the interpretation of profile VES data are possible. In the first case the model includes all objects, which are noticeable in the experimental field. Unimportant features overcomplicate such model and its calculation becomes an exhausting procedure. And our knowledge about near-surface small objects always is not full. In the second approach considered as more realistic, the model includes only objects in the working depth interval without details about small upper objects. For such approach we offer Median polishing, which allows efficiently to decrease distortions of Rhoa field by upper part of geological section.