IPI2win - 1D interpretation of VES profile.

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Version 3.0.1,  10-Jan-2003
Download Free-version of IPI2win  (1600K) [maximal profile length is 10]

Manual for ipi2win from Alva Kurniawan

Spanish version
Download Free-version of IPI2win  (1900K) [in Spanish]
Downlod manual for IPI2win in Spanish


IPI2win is a program for 1D automatic and manual interpretation of VES curves.

Work window of IPI2win programInterpretation mode

VES curves could be received with different arrays: Schlumberger, Wenner, dipole-dipole, pole - pole.

The main advantage of this program is confortable manual interpretation. You could change parameters of model in different ways:

Simultaneously You could see how new parameter fits with field curve and another models of profile.

New VES curve inputWorksheet for simple data input.

Print previewPrint croos-section in selected scale

Edit segmented curveWork with segmented curve

Induced polarization dataVES-IP curve inversion

119899, Russia, Moscow, Moscow State University, Geological Faculty, Department of Geophysics. V.A. Shevnin, I.N.Modin
Tel. & fax: (7-095) 939 49 63
E-mail: boba@geophys.geol.msu.ru

Please feel free to send us your comments.

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